Ventura Coastkeeper (VCK), the 54th member of the international Waterkeeper Alliance, was launched in November 2000 as a program of the Wishtoyo Foundation specifically to implement Wishtoyo's environmental work in Ventura County. Mati Waiya, the Ventura Coastkeeper and Ventura Coastkeeper's Executive Director, was the first Native American to be named a Keeper in the international Waterkeeper Alliance that now stands 265 Keeper programs strong around the globe.  Jason Weiner serves as Senior Counsel for Wishtoyo and Wishtoyo’s Ventura Coastkeeper program. 

The mission of Ventura Coastkeeper is to protect, preserve, and restore the ecological integrity and water quality of Ventura County's inland waterbodies, coastal waters, and watersheds, which are vital natural resources for the citizens and all inhabitants of Ventura County, and are the lifeblood of Chumash Native American culture. Ventura Coastkeeper focuses its work along Ventura County's coast, and within the County's Santa Clara River, Ormond Beach, and Mugu Lagoon/Calleguas Creek watersheds, and is part of and works our statewide partners to best ensure strong state wide policies to protect the California's waters. 

Ventura Coastkeeper views land and waterbodies as inter-connected communities to which all living entities belong and on which they must sustainably and harmoniously coexist together. As such, Ventura Coastkeeper strives to maintain clean and ecologically healthy waters for all living beings in our diverse community through advocacy, education, legal enforcement, restoration projects, and citizen action. VCK also strives to protect, preserve, and learn from the culture and history of local resource dependent coastal communities.

Click for our 2013-2014 Report of Accomplishments

Click for our 2011-2012 Report of Accomplishments

Click for our 2009-2010 Report of Accomplishments

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