Women's Winter Water Elements Gathering
February 18 - 21 us women, Native and Non-Native alike, gathered in prayer, meditation and ceremony to deepen our relationship with the element of Water and to focus on the ways in which to expand our relationship and understanding with the waters so as to take better care it, of ourselves, our families, our communities and the world. On the last of the four days together, we experienced a re-birthing into the mother ocean! Truly amazing leadership by our Elder Women: Tule River Elder, Marcia H. Estrada, Mexica Elder, Tiahuimaquilli (Maria Miranda) and Mexica Elder, Zitla Papahki (Trudy Robles), Deborah Hopkins, Chumash and Luhui Isha, Chumash and Mexica, who hosted the ceremony at Wishtoyo Chumash Village.
The much needed rain that poured down through the night last night was a beautiful blessing in preparing for our Beloved Chumash Elder, Angela Melendez, who's memorial will be held at Wishtoyo Chumash Village at 1:00 p.m. today. Thank you Auntie Angela for the Blessing of the Rain!