Earth Day 50th Anniversary
Wishtoyo Chumash Foundation invites you to honor this 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with us in deep reflection, empathy, and gratitude. This is an opportunity to engage in the internal work necessary to understand our current position and the choices ahead of us as we stand on the threshold of profound change. We’ve seen the Earth’s regenerative ability to recover from catastrophic events like fires, and now we are witness to its dramatic global healing response to our reduction in carbon emissions due to the changes in our collective behavior surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. We have voluntarily chosen to shift from individual, self-oriented perspectives to community-centered decision making that recognizes all of us as essential parts of a whole. Just as we have willingly altered course in order to protect one another during this crisis, so too can we shift our thinking and actions to center the well-being of the Earth and all beings. In the truest sense, we are all in this together. #WishtoyoChumashFoundation #EarthDay #StandingTogether #EarthDayIsEveryDay