Gratitude to Les Lobaugh & Ventana Wildlife Society working to protect California Condor
Mati Waiya and Les Lobaugh at Wishtoyo Conservancy project, Santa Paula California
Les Lo Baugh, Jr. tells his story of writing the Endangered Species Act and seeing it come into law while working for Senator Alan Cranston. Les shares personal stories that shaped who he is and how he became so passionate about wildlife and the great birds - eagles, falcons, condors and other birds of prey. Kelly Sorenson, executive director, was thrilled to have the opportunity to meet Les and record an introduction. Les has a great many achievements including the writing of the Clean Air Act of 1970, Clean Water Act of 1972, Federal Noise Control Act of 1972 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Les points out that these statues are not enough alone to solve ecological problems. The Endangered Species Act "is a tool" and as Les points out, it requires someone to wield it. Ventana Wildlife Society remains hard at work to restore species to nature after restoring bald eagles to central California and making great progress toward the recovery of the California Condor.
Special Thanks and Gratitude to elder Les Lobaugh
Les Lobaugh has been an invaluable active partner, participant, mentor and friend of Wishtoyo Chumash Foundation for many years. Les has an unparelled depth of knowledge as the co-author of the Endangered Species Act (and others mentioned above) and over thirty years of senior management experience with major utilities and law firms in the area of environmental management, regulatory affairs, and deal structure . He has served as a key voice in the our land acquisition and management project on the Utom (Santa Clara River). What’s more is that Les is a great story teller and always has a gentle and kind manner. He is a generous hearted human being and a inspirational teacher and will always be a valued voice and mentor to Team Wishtoyo!
Hi li'ya kiysukuwiyuw k'e kiyaqšwslawiyuw kiy'eleyep hi čo k'e hi me'pšumawiš a tipašumawiš
With all our respect and love, may we journey together in good health, peace and tranquillity.