Winter Solstice
December 17-21, 2021
In closing ceremony today we send deep gratitude to elders Mati Waiya and Uncle Johnny Moreno for their prayers and sacrifice in keeping our ceremonial fire going over these past five days. We give thanks to all our relations, relatives and friends old and new, who came out to offer tobacco and prayers and for all our people who had fires going throughout our territories. It was so beautiful to see a few new fires and solstice poles going up for the first time. The necklace of sacred fires is growing!
What a Blessing to spend these days together in prayer, laughter, deep conversation sharing heartaches and dreams, efforts to solve problems, preparation of traditional foods and just enjoying one another’s hearts!! Most especially it was an honor to have the babies with us and a good reminder of the responsibility we have to our children, grandchildren and onward. Just what we need to start the New Year! The slate is cleaned!!
In the words of Auntie Georgiana Sanchez, “…move on to what we can do to heal our wounded world, by example, by teaching, by putting into practice that internal creative capacity to carve lives of meaning for ourselves, our families, our communities and all people...that would be wonderful, powerful. Let’s go to work on this…”
Hi li'ya kiysukuwiyuw k'e kiyaqšwslawiyuw kiy'eleyep hi čo k'e hi me'pšumawiš a tipašumawiš
With all our respect and love, may we journey together in good health, peace and tranquillity.
Happy New Year!!
#BeAGoodAncestor #WinterSolstice2021 #WishtoyoChumashVillage #Humaliwu #WishtoyoConservancy #saaqticoy #cbcn #utomriverturtleclan #indigenouslineages