Winter Solstice 2022
It is with profound gratitude that we enter this first Day of Winter Solstice in prayer and ceremony to acknowledge and honor our ancestors and to give our appreciation to this abundant and beautiful ancestral land within which we have a responsibility to be in right relationship. It’s a time to atone for missteps made over this past year and to make things right within ourselves, our families, our communities and with our Mother Earth.
We’re blessed to enter this Winter Solstice with a group of Indigenous students and educators from the Geotribe and Cal State Water Resources Institute Program. The students are simultaneously participating in Winter Solstice and preparing to present the culmination of their research projects tomorrow before their families and teachers.
This program has been a wonderful collaboration between Daisy Ocampo (CSU San Bernardino/Caxcan Nation), Nicholas Rajen (Materials Science, Engineering and Physics/Navajo Nation), Anisa Kabbara (Geology and Medicine/Otomi, Yoeme, and Nde), and Wishtoyo Chumash Foundation Team.
Kaqinaliyuw to all of you for your participation and collaboration!