NOAA opens public comments for Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary
As part of the final steps of the designation process, NOAA is inviting the public to submit comments for the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. The comment period ends Oct. 25, 2023.
Make your voice heard! Information on how to submit a comment can be found here.
As original people of these lands and waters, is critical for our local Chumash leaders to have permanent seats at the co-management decision-making level with NOAA; a true tribal co-management centers and holds equal our perspectives and traditional knowledge in the protection of these precious resources. It is only fitting that we have serious, equal and progressive decision-making power in how our marine ecosystems are cared for.
Last video clip courtesy of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and the Chumash community.
#ChumashHeritageNationalMarine Sanctuary #CHNMS #WishtoyoChumashFoundation #MarineProtectedArea #TribalCoManagement #Conservation #ChumashEyesOnTheWater #IndigenousKnowledge #MarineBiology #KeystoneSpecies #BeAGoodAncestor #IndigenousLineages #AllOurRelations #ProtectTheSacred #Equality #WaterProtectors